Nobody likes to take a trip to the bathroom and discover that they are having bleeding and discomfort. The fact of the matter is that any bleeding from the rectal area should be cause for some kind of concern. However, many find that this can be an embarrassing and annoying problem and most would like to save themselves a trip to the doctor.
To be on the safe side it is always best to check in with a doctor, but there are some signs that indicate your problems are more likely hemorrhoid related. If the bleeding is bright red and stops soon after you have cleaned yourself it is more likely to be a bleeding hemorrhoid. This is because the hemorrhoid is close to the rectum and since the blood is fresh it is bright red and new. Most of the time this is cause for less concern because old blood that would show up as more of a brown or black would indicate that the bleeding was coming for further down the digestive tract and should definitely be checked out by a doctor.
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If your bleeding is caused by hemorrhoids there are ways that you can cure bleeding hemorrhoids. If the problem is new or not too bad common over-the-counter solutions may be the best treatment. These include Preparation H ointments and creams, and well as witch hazel pads that may help soothe the area. If your problem is all internal the Preparation H tube can be inserted or you may want to consider a suppository.
It is also best to make changes to your diet during this time. It is always helpful to keep a diet high in fiber and drink enough water to maintain your digestive health. If your pain is bordering on more severe it may also help to take a stool softener such as Colace. This would provide a good temporary solution to start softening your stools, but it should not be taken regularly in order to avoid a dependence on the drug.